Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Ten Commandments of Cinema

As most of my posts will most likely be gravitating towards movies, movie theatres, soundtracks, and all of that... I'm gonna go ahead and collect my favorite film quotes into a top ten list that we're going to go ahead and call the Ten Commandments of Cinema. And just for fun... We're gonna go ahead and throw in a "Thou shalt" on each one to keep with the theme. (But, unlike the bible, we're going to do this Letterman Countdown style!)

X. Art thou feeling lucky, punk?
(Dirty Harry)

IX. Frankly my dear, thou shalt not give a damn.
(Gone With the Wind)

VIII. Thou shalt make him an offer he shalt not refuse.
(The Godfather)

VII. Thou shalt not call me Shirley.

VI. Thou shalt be back.

V. Nazis. Thou shalt hate those guys.
(Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade)

IV. Thou shalt not cry in baseball.
(A League of Their Own)

III. Thou shalt need a bigger boat.

II. Roads? Where thou art going, thou shalt not need any roads.
(Back to the Future)

I. Thou shalt yipee-kay-yay mother-f***ers!
(Die Hard)
