Sunday, December 5, 2010

Avengers Assemble!

Sorry if I mislead you... This ain't a post about the Avengers film coming out in a couple of years. Don't get me wrong, I'm stoked about it! But there's a wonderful assembly of the world's greatest heroes that have created what I'm already willing to proclaim the best summer blockbuster of 2011. For shits and giggles, we'll call it "Buster of the Year."

That's right kiddos, I'm talking about next summer's "Cowboys vs Aliens." Now, despite it's campy and slightly off-putting title, the movie promises to be an epic action adventure the likes of which we haven't seen since... Well, the newest thing that comes to mind is the original "Jurassic Park."

In this film-for-the-ages, we have the return of legendary (and personal favorite) filmmaker Stephen Speilberg alongside Ron "King of the Gingers" Howard acting as producers to Jon Favreau's (another hero of mine) director. A match made in heaven, no? And on to of all that, the film features two of the world's greates action stars: Daniel Craig (whom I've been told I'm a dead ringer for) and Harrison "Oh-my-freaking-god-it's-Indiana-Jones-should-I-get-his-autograph-no-he's-too-cool-I'd-make-a-fool-of-myself" Ford.

I know, right?

And then we get to see the combination of filming styles from both the Western and Sci-Fi genres that just happen to be the most visually stunning eye candy genres in film? YES!

Go see this. You know you want to. With a cast and crew like that you just can't go wrong. This could even hail the return of the late 80's early 90's adventure films that have disappeared from theaters but have a place in all of our hearts and movie collections.