Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Life Is Just A Fantasy

Bobby Diesel. Thuggy D. Bobby Light. Bolt Speedman. Call Rob Dyrdek what you will, but no matter what label you attach, the man is an entertainer. The skateboarder turned entrepreneur manages to find entertainment everywhere. Whether he's hanging out with John Mayer, terrorizing his mother, shooting his American Gladiator tennis ball gun, or building a new safe place for kids to skate, Rob Dyrdek always finds time to make you smile. Sure, he can be a bit much from time to time, but that's mostly due to his Monster Energy Drink sponsorship. You wouldn't be bouncing off the walls 24/7 if you had that? Doubtful.

After a very successful first two seasons, where we were exposed to pranks (indoor port-o-potty anyone?), the life and death of Timmy the Test Dummy (and meeting his replacement, Tina), and a slew of adventures in and around LA, Fantasy Factory is returning for a third season July 12th. We've been promised the same number of episodes as seasons 1 and 2 combined, and folks, it looks like it's gonna be a good one. The factory looks better than ever, and all sorts of crazy nonsense looks to be occurring, including, but not limited to: a trebuchet (and possibly the death of Tina?), more rally car exploits, and Rob and his young cousin Drama meandering around LA in old man suits. Life is just a fantasy! What's yours?

Monday, June 28, 2010

Have a Heart

Ok, show of hands: Who here likes Prodigy? Moby? Chemical Brothers? Well make some room in the "Noise Pop" section of your hard drive (read: CD collection for all you old-timers) for Brooklyn-based Sleigh Bells' debut album, entitled Treats.

Now, this album most certainly isn't for everyone. Its noisy, grinding, and a little repetitive. But if you like any of the bands I mentioned above, you'll certainly enjoy this little gem. I'm not usually one for female vocalists in rock and alternative music (and I'm not trying to be sexist here, just not something my ears usually like), but this is definitely one to add to the list of exceptions for me. Right off the bat, Alexis Krauss' vocals ring out, providing a stark and impressive contrast from the relentlessly busy music. And she doesn't stop there... Throughout the album you'll hear her harmonizing beautifully with herself, rocking some intense and ass-kickin'-name-takin' lyrics, and even becoming a part of Derek Miller's (the other half of the band) electronic-grunge beats.

For me, this is one of those rare albums that you can listen to completely, over and over, and continue to enjoy it. Which is made even more impressive by the fact that this IS their debut album. This album is already the soundtrack to my summer, no doubt about it.

Oh, and if someone manages to meet Alexis Krauss at one of their concerts, ask her if she'll marry me. Shes kind of a hottie mcgee.