Tuesday, July 13, 2010

City of Angels

This one is a little off from our normal fare... But I'd like to take this opportunity to point out how incredible the graphics team for the MLB All-Star game did this year. In the past (Or at least the three major ones I can remember...), the logo has focused on and incorporated the architecture of the stadium into its design. This year, the logo is an impressively clever little remix of the Angels team logo. A mash-up if you will. (Did I mention that the game is taking place at the Angels' in Anaheim? Well, it's taking place at Angels Stadium this year.)

The Angels' logo started life as a simple red "A" in a gothic font. Nothing special. In fact, it remains mostly the same today, but there were a few changes in between. In the late 80's and early 90's, the "A" was given a slightly italic look, and the cross-bar was made into a bat and wings and a halo were added. After Disney bought the team, the logo had a brief stint with an incredibly stylized "A" in front of a full baseball diamond and just as fanciful wings before they took it back to the gothic "A" that we all know and love today, with the low-key yet effective addition of a golden halo around it's peak. Incurring one more minor change after Disney sold the company a year and a half ago, the logo's halo changed color from gold to silver, which is the logo we know and love today.

The All-Star logo takes that same "A" and makes it a star. Halo and all. An incredibly simple and incredibly effective logo that doesn't pull any marketing punches with the general public, and still promotes the game effectively while giving the host field and team a gracious tip of the hat. Good work MLB. This ones WAY better than last years gaudy St. Louis logo.


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